Radio today

Jon Katz's radio show will be on air at or 1370 on your radio dial this afternoon at 2:00pm.  Maria, his wife, will be first to call, then I believe a lady will talk about a dog who is in need of a home.

I will call in after them to give updates on Edgar's training and to ask Jon's advice  with something new Edgar has come up with.

Our lovely weather is disintegrating.  Sunny this morning, fading into clouds now with rain predicted for later.  Well it is April after all!  Every  shower brings a new burst of green on the hillside.  One of my neighbors has Iris which you can almost see growing taller as you watch.  Those Iris are over 10 inches tall--illegal here.  Speaking of "illegal" , we are having an inspection tomorrow.  In some ways this is a good thing for if you have an issue with an appliance performance or a dripping faucet, now is the chance to have it noted.  Of course there is always the picky things you can be "written up" for--clutter, plants on the windowsill, hoarding (more food stored than could be used up in 2 weeks), more than 2 chairs on the porch, etc.  There is a long list.  My new neighbor was quite nervous about it yesterday.  I told her to look at it as a good thing and not stress about a dirty dish in the sink.  That is part of living.  I am guilty of clutter always since I have to have things down within my reach.  So the very little kitchen shelf space is pretty much filled with canned goods, cereal box, dog biscuits and treats.  

With all the COVID restrictions, Robert may not do a "thorough" inspection, looking into refrigerator , oven etc.  He will wear mask and gloves---but he does not change gloves between apartments,  so does that really count?  I know all this is not only necessary, but of value.  It does bother me to see some of these elderly residents become so stressed and frightened of the eviction notice they fear being served if everything is not perfect.

Those of us who are long time residents (8 1/2 years for me)  know what he will be looking for and how to prepare without panic.  

HEY--tune in or turn on the computer this afternoon.  Relax, enjoy, call in. 


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