This is still May ?

While it is true that I have spent the majority of my life "up North"- (meaning Vermont and upstate New York), I still think this is way too hot now for May, even in Virginia.  The new flowers that were set out a few days ago are looking most unhappy this afternoon,  including those which are in the shade, despite my daily evening watering.  The sun is intense.  The sky has had some clouds drifting past and there is a good stiff, if warm, breeze.   The parking lot smells like hot tar.
One of my neighbors who used to raise Quarter horses in Connecticut has two little Shih Tsu dogs.  She has to use a walker now and she has taught those little dogs to trot out with the walker like a team of Hackney ponies. This morning she was headed out with them for their daily long walk at 7:30 am--a
very wise move.  Something people are apt to forget it just how hot the pavement and sidewalks become in this kind of heat. The best rule to follow is-if you would not walk in bare feet on it, don't ask your dog to.  People are often concerned about heavy-coated dogs being too warm in summer.  The theory actually is that the coat is insulation from the heat since dogs do not sweat in the way that humans do.  Dogs' feet
are made of tough skin, yes, but  if the tar is actually softening, it can stick to the dog's pads causing serious  damage.  So walk in the early morning.  Enjoy the bird song as they waken the world. Watch the sun rise-it can be as beautiful as the sunsets we all rave about.
Everyone knows about keeping your dog and yourself hydrated.  If your dog is outside make certain their
water bowl is not only full, but in the shade.  Even in the shade it will probably get pretty warm when the temps get this high, but at least the water won't burn the thirsty tongue.  Make certain there is plenty of shade for the dog to lie in.  Dogs can sunburn, especially on the bridge of their nose, but also ears and bellies and it does not take long.
Some dogs really enjoy chewing on ice cubes.  My dogs have always thought of those as a treat.  What if they do melt a bit onto the carpet-it is just water.
I fear this heat may be the way of the future.  Humans and dogs, like all the other animals exposed to the out doors, will have to adjust, if they are to survive.  Maybe this is just the "dog days of summer" come early.  Or maybe it is a preview of things to come so we can practice and be ready.
At any rate, keep a water bottle at your hip and a folding bowl for your pal to drink from when you go out to walk. 
Enjoy the summer - which just may have arrived a bit too soon!


  1. Great reminder for our dogs' feet! I love the mental image of those tiny dogs
    in a trot line beside your friend.

    1. The Shih Tsu owner's name is Pat too! I would love to post her photo with them but she is shy.


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