
                                                    Dreams             photo by Sean Leahy

My son, Sean, has been working on refurbishing an older model  motor home.  His Boxer dog, Lazarus, has been a
watchful bystander.  The man has dreams of taking off,
free to wander about the country, perhaps stopping by a lake,
seeing places and wonders he has never seen.  Finding new friendly faces, new ideas, - finding peace.  
His dream is by no means original nor singular.  So many
dream of doing the same, be it the traveling across America or the solitary mountain cabin,- the thunder of the sea against the rocky shore from the beach house--someplace where the sky
speaks to the soul.
Once upon a time I dreamed too.  I had a handsome grey horse named Smoke Signal.  I planned in my mind our trip to the Olympics and I set up poles over barrels to practice for those fearsome jumps on the Olympic courses.  One day I woke to reality-- that it took much money and just possibly a better horse and rider team than Signal and I were.  So I reduced the dream to winning ribbons in the local horse shows-a dream we could, and did, accomplish.
I dreamed of babies, and was blessed with two boys and two girls-the joy of my life .  I did not have to settle for less with this dream, rather I received more than I had hoped for.  
Left alone after the early death of my husband, children grown,
I dared to dream again --of a little house in the country with hens and a goat and a dog and cats-  maybe one day a mule!
For a brief time I had it.  (Not the mule though.)  Then life took a fast turn and the dream disappeared-slipped from reality to
memory.  But I did have it.
Now I am told that I am old.  I find myself dreaming of a place of my own again.  I wonder if the memories should be the fulfillment of these new dreams -if treasured pictures within the mind are the fulfilling of dreams of an aging woman.
Animals dream --do not dare to tell me they do not!  Hannah lies on her rug, toes twitching and excited, muffled, yips escape her lips.  Is she dreaming of things that were or of things that might be?  Susie lies on my pillow, curled in the fluffy gray ball of fur that is my cat.  Her long whiskers wiggle.  Her tail hairs
grow stiff -a Halloween cat tail.  What is she seeing?  Where are her dreams taking her?  To the past or to the future?  
Whether dreams of the daytime or dreams of the night, they pave a pathway for the dreamer to follow or amend.
Live your dream Sean, with your best bud Lazarus beside you.
Live as much of it as you can.  Then when people tell you that now you are old, you will have the memory dreams to keep your soul alive.




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