What Happens Now

 Tomorrow morning the Vet will be here to vaccinate Ginger.  A neighbor is bringing her cat over to get a Rabies booster too.
Hannah will get a booster DHLPP, which I truly doubts she needs at her age.  I bet her titer in all is good.  But as long as I am paying for the house call we might as well do everything.
This has been a rough week.  I have been advised by quite a few people, only a couple who live at JD, several who are caring for feral cat colonies elsewhere, that I ought to have the Vet euthanize Ginger.  We all know that if management succeeds in catching Ginger and taking her to a farm as they are saying, she will try to come back and that will not end well.  But I look at this beautiful, healthy, playful kitty and am torn.  Probably I could not legally
have her put to sleep anyway, but who is to know (or care.)
My daughter set up the little house I put out for Ginger in cold weather on my porch.  I was forbidden to do this earlier this year.  Ginger has gladly used it the past few nights. 
The people at Bible study this week prayed for me to make the right decision.  Since then my feeling has been that I will just continue to feed and "house" Ginger and continue to act as if everything is the same as when our previous manager was here.  I have already refused to put her in a cage and I doubt they will be able to catch her. So most likely Ginger will just get a Rabies booster tomorrow.
Who knows what I might be getting?
ps  the lost dog is currently in foster care.  I have heard there is someone interested in adopting him.


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