The power of Bingo

Things have not been going smoothly here at JD lately.  Well perhaps not everyone feels the same way, but those of us who have been fighting for Ginger to stay are realizing that we are apparently unable to "fight city hall".  Inspections one on top of another---
Lots of other issues too that I will not go into.
Today a lady who was a resident here a couple of years ago, Roberta, came with Bingo prizes, a yummy snack bar,laden with deviled eggs, turkey & cheese roll-ups, crackers, cheese, home made chocolate covered peanut butter balls and lemonade.  She also brought trick or treat bags for everyone filled with delicious surprises.  She spent over an hour calling Bingo.  Ten of us had come in a bit quiet, possibly some were suffering from aching bones due to the very wet weather (we need the rain so no open complaints.)  
Roberta was born full of mountain wisdom.  She is so quick with
spontaneous retorts and colloquialisms that are sparkling with
happiness and hilarity.  In no time laughter was blocking the sound of her voice calling the numbers.  People were teasing each other in a cheery way- nothing hurtful, just very funny.
The one taking the most "heat" was playing with three cards when most of us have all we can do to monitor one card.  Of course she kept winning.  But after she had two gifts she gave her next wins to others. Everyone went home with at least one prize.  Everyone went home with a big smile.  Ladies who had felt a bit sad and a bit lonely left feeling like part of a close knit
The kindness of one person, the fun of playing a game together,
and laughter, truly the best medicine, brought sun on a rainy day.
Or was it the power of Bingo?



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