Update on Ginger

Things are in the usual turmoil here at Joseph's Dream.  An inspection two weeks ago and now another one this coming week.
But all that aside- the issue of Ginger's  continued residency here is still a hot one.  Manger Kathryn Bell seems to believe that if ginger's Rabies vaccination was up to date, the furor would die down.  I did not trust (perhaps wrongly) that the people she contacted to catch Ginger in a live trap and take her to be vaccinated would actually return her here.  So I refused to help with that.  I guess Jeanne, our Support Services Coordinator was finding all this a bit too much.  Last Thursday was her last day here. She has another job much closer to her home and with less stress.  She is a sweet lady and I wish her well.
Hannah, my dog, is due for her annual boosters.  My Vet is wonderful and comes here since it is quite impossible for me to take her to the clinic.  So I made an appointment for the 22nd of this month for Hannah and explained about Ginger.  The Vet will give Ginger a Rabies vacc. when she is here.
Not as simple as it sounds but we made the time early in the morning (Ginger comes to breakfast around 7:00am).  I plan to give her a special treat of canned turkey and gravy which she loves.  In it there will be a small sedative.  Once she is sedated I will put her
in Susie's carrier.  Hopefully all goes as planned and she will be easy to handle when the Vet arrives.
Next issue is the fact that the nights are getting cooler.  The past two years I have had a little insulated, heated house on my porch for her.  I have been forbidden to put that out.  Once she has her vacc.--that will show I am attempting to "comply"---I will set up the house.  We should not have another inspection until mid-January.
Of course they will likely see it before that even if I disguise it somehow.  I wonder just how badly they want to evict both Ginger and I.  Time will tell.    Wish us luck.


  1. It makes me sad to read the lengths the Management will go to to police you and your
    neighbors. You inspire me in your wise actions. Hold strong!

    1. Thanks Patty. Kathryn e/m d me today that they had planned to have ginger taken to a farm after she gets her vaccination. She said that Jeanne knew but did not tell me. (Poor Jeanne--more stress she was enduring.) I lost my cool and wrote Kathryn back that I must be very stupid to be paying for the vaccination and losing my case for Ginger. I said they ought to reimburse me for the Vet fee. Here we are e/m back and forth and I see her in person. In fact I got a note on my door that they are coming to inspect my apartment tomorrow morning at 9 am! Not so wise I guess--it seems I am losing the fight.


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