After the long hard fight
This has been one of the toughest battles of my life and I have had a significant amount. Some people seem to think I was fighting for Ginger because I loved her. She is a good cat. I like her a lot. She is not my cat, though. I have been fighting for her right to remain where she was born 10+ years ago and to continue to live the life she was born to live. She has always had some assistance from two ladies who lived here previously and for the past three years, from me. She was one of a small colony and is the last survivor. Now because of a couple of complaints, she is being forced to leave. There are more people here who want her to stay than wish her gone. Apparently majority does not rule. Rules have been so misinterpreted or defined in a slanted way to make it sound as though I am breaking my contract agreement by providing food to a cat I do not own. I am not. The wording in our contracts sp...