

  • Tossed my trash bag into the dumpster yesterday and a string of brown wasps came  roaring up and out.
    Fortunately my scooter backed up fast and I got away from there with only one sting--on my left hand which
    I had put up in front of my face.    I took Benedryl right away.  Washed the area and checked for a stinger.
    None there.  Put on Benedryl spray which did nothing.  Swelled, throbbed--nasty!  Then I recalled someone saying to put honey on a sting.  Honey is something I always have.  So I put a glob right on the sting area and covered it loosely with a gauze bandage.  Within minutes the pain subsided and the swelling began to go down.
    This morning it is only slightly puffy and red.  No stiffness and does not hurt.
    Moral of the story---keep a jar of honey on hand.


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