Edgar-bath day tomorrow

After my experience with attempting to get one stubborn and very strong Chorgi in the bath tub, I realized that this was something I was not going to be able to do.  His nails; however, have grown increasingly long and beginning to curl.  I just could not reach his paws from the wheelchair.  My friend, Valerie, came and we coerced Edgar onto the couch.  While she petted him, I prepared to attack those nails.  They are black, so cannot see the quick.  I realized that his quicks may have grown out past normal since his nails had not been cared for long before he came to live with me. Holding his left front paw gently-no objection from him-I placed the nail clipper over the thick, heavy nail , about 1/2 inch up to where the nail had begun to curve.  It took both my hands gripping the handles of the clipper to cut through the nail.   Edgar yelped.  The chunk of nail went flying.  Valerie exclaimed, "Oh no-he's bleeding".  I rather expected that. Despite what some owners think, in all my many years of grooming, I have never seen a dog bleed to death from a nail.  Edgar apparently has good clotting factor.  The bleeding stopped quickly as I applied a kleenex and pressure.  If it had continued I would have packed it with cornstarch.  I gave Edgar some little treats.  When he was calm, I went for nail # 2.  It was so tough I could not even make a dent in it.  These are almost new nail clippers and good quality.  Of course my hands are well used and no longer of good quality!  So we gave up.

Tomorrow a professional groomer is coming to bathe Edgar and cut those nails.   We will both feel much better once that is done.  If all goes well, I will have the groomer come once a month.

It is very embarrassing not to be able to groom/bathe my own dog.  I have done this for so many years.  I bathed Hannah, the dog before Edgar, with no problem.  Of course she was MUCH more cooperative!  Hannah had white, normal toe nails too, and would lie on the bed where I could reach easily to have them trimmed.   One more thing I have to give up.  At least I can still brush Edgar daily!  Also-thank goodness there is a groomer willing to come to my apartment.

I will do a follow-up on this tomorrow with the results. 


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