A New Look

 Edgar is a different dog in many ways than when he arrived here three months ago.  People walking by often comment on how much better he looks, hair growing back (we did not know he had a white chest!) over much of his body.  However, I believe the main difference is his expression and stance.  His eyes are bright.  He stands proudly, gorgeous tail waving at those who pass by.  He is happy, no longer the sad sack, lost dog of his first photo.  He is learning how to play with me and by himself.  Last evening he discovered the joy of disemboweling a stuffed toy.  He carefully removed the stitching at one end and began pulling out the fluff, flinging it about.  I watched to be sure he was not swallowing any.  Nope-he just had a ball grabbing out mouthfuls and tossing the stuff over his shoulder.

All the vestiges of his stroke have disappeared.  He hops and jumps around outside, making the tags on his harness jingle.

He also now realizes he has a job.  He faithfully keeps tabs on me.  I used to get up during the night, wheel right past his bed.  Sometimes he would look up if I bumped his cushion, but he would drop his head back down and return to sleep.  No More.  The second he realizes I have left the room, he comes peeping into the bathroom.  He sees me, waves his tail, and returns to his bed.  He does not always have to be right with me.  He does always have to know where I am and that all is well.  If someone walks past the window, he barks a few times and then looks to me.  "Are you okay with this?"  I nod "yes, good", and he returns to his cushion.  When anyone comes in, he meets them at the door, looks back at me for the okay signal, greets the person politely, then comes to lie down next to my chair.  Edgar knows his job is me.  That must be the Corgi herding side of him.  (The cat hunting is pretty much Chow, since herding that cat is the furthest thing from his mind.)

My daughter took some pictures of Edgar last night.  He is not easy to photograph as he moves so quickly and his odd body style makes him look all head.  But I think it is pretty easy to see the change.

Edgar has a new look.



  1. So happy to hear Edgar recovered from his stroke!

  2. He's beautiful! What a blessing you are for him!


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