One tiny tomato

The wonderful, generous gal who brought and planted flowers in my little patch last year, came again this Spring and set out many pretty, flowers -a rainbow of colors.  They are all looking very healthy and attracting lots of bees and a few butterflies.
Among the fiber pots there was  one tall rather spindly plant, which for unknown reason, she left sitting on the porch.
There was no little "signpost" set into the soil in the pot introducing the plant and explaining it's care.  It's leaves were sparse, and the lower three were a bit yellow.  The plant seemed too spindly to withstand the weather we have been enduring, so
I have kept it on an end table beneath my "sunlight" lamp.  Although it has increased in height and has added a bit more green color to it's leaves, the stem is still very skinny.  A few days ago a group of wee yellow flowers appeared on a branch near the top.  
So I decided, now that the days are warmer and there seems to be no more danger of frost, I would set the little plant out in the flower bed.  I waited until late this afternoon, until the sun had lost it's intensity.  Temperature in the upper 70's.  When I 
lifted the plant from the table and examined it more closely,
I discovered the tiniest of green tomatoes peeking out of a yellow flower. Mystery solved.  It must be a cherry tomato. Of course tomatoes are edible and therefore
not allowed in Joseph's Dream either in the flower beds or in large pots.  I tucked the plant in  close to the edge of the porch,
 sheltered from the sidewalk view and the eye of the camera
by my heavily blooming French lavender.  
Hardly an hour after I set the tomato out, heavy black storm clouds rolled in.  Thunder rumbled, Hannah began pacing, Susie tried to climb up my legs to reach the safety of my lap.
The lights went out and back twice.  The rain   came down in
torrents.  It did not last long.  I fear to go out and check the
brave little tomato.  Is that tiny green orb still clinging to it's
threadlike stem?  
Shortly I must take Hannah outside for her final pee of the night.  That is when I will check on it.
Sure was a rough introduction to the garden for one tiny tomato.


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