And more rain

Rained all night and still coming down steadily.   This is day ?  Some guy out here with a load of lumber looking for a chap named Noah.
A resident  was reported to be spending time on line trying to locate someone who wanted to swap a small cabin cruiser  (boat) for his 10 year old SUV.
We are up on a hillside with a good drainage system, so even though the parking lot fills up like a small shallow lake, it runs
down the storm drains and  dries up rapidly. The lawn area; however, tends to hold the water.  My little patch of grass is
full of puddles.  Poor Hannah.  Squatting to go pee is like peeing in a bath tub.  Her dense coat, despite clipping, has not been really dry for a week.  Even brushing her is impossible as the
brush, one made of fine metal teeth, tends to yank out clumps  
of damp fur rather than comb through it.  Hannah puts up with a lot, but after a while she looks at me with a stern expression   saying, "Look--enough is enough, okay?"  So Susie and I are
sharing the mini apartment with a rather fragrant dog.  Of course Susie loves it, rubbing against the wet dog and purring.
Me, not so much. 
Staring out the window, I watch through the sheets or rain, the
antics of the birds.  A brilliant  red Cardinal is taking a bath in one of the puddles.  Why is he doing that when he is getting an
excellent shower from above just  by sitting still?  
A tiny group of wee mushrooms/toadstools has appeared suddenly in the sodden mulch beneath the dead Redbud tree .
Very appropriately, they closely resemble mini umbrellas designed for elves.  I have not seen any elves of late, so I wonder
just what delicate creature is taking shelter beneath the cream-colored overhang balanced  on the toothpick stem.  
No sense looking for another rainbow.  It has not been nearly
40 days yet, even if it feels as though it has.
You are shut in by virus mandate.  Your view from the window
is pretty grim.  Look closely though, and I can almost promise you will find some delightful scene through all that rain- something you might not have noticed on a sunny day. 
Oh yes--I am finally learning to crochet!



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