Cat toys

Cat toys seem to be a big selling item these days.  I get catalogs filled with all manner of large and tiny imitation mice, some with catnip, some made of fur, climbing posts. scratching posts, tunnels, feathered toys, toys of brilliant colors, realistic appearing mouse and/or bird toys, toys made for interaction between cat and owner.  (excuse me-we do not own cats, they choose those with whom they wish to interact.)
You could spend hundreds on a variety of things intended to amuse your cat.  My cat, Susie, has a drawer full of toys I have purchased thinking this would be just the item to get her moving and help her to lose that sagging belly. There is one she does like. The toy is a feathery "bird" on an elastic cord which is attached to a length of light-weight dowel rod.    But does it get her to move?  Nothing more than a paw.  She lies on her back and casually swats at the bird as I swing it past her.  If I draw it away and swing it out beyond her reach she just rolls over and ignores it until I swing it back within paw's reach.  So who gets the exercise?  There is actually one purchased toy that she  enjoys and will actually toss and pounce on.  It is called a baby mouse.  A very tiny furry hard body mouse image.  The problem with it is that she plays for a short time and then abandons it.  If I do not pick it up immediately, Hannah eats it!  Hannah has been trained not to touch cat food or cat toys.  If she heads towards one and I say "Kitty toy", she leaves it alone.  But there is something about those baby mice that she
absolutely cannot resist.  
What does a cat really prefer?  A bug or spider walking across the carpet.  A crinkly ball of paper. Alarge brown paper bag.  A ball of yarn. (That gets held on the belly with the hind feet kicking it wildly.)  Also plastic bottle caps, especially the ones with a coil attached  (Airborne).  Susie also likes twist ties, but for obvious reasons I try to keep those out of her reach.
I buy all  my pet food and treats from  While they advertise that their prices save you money,  I am not sure.  It depends what store you shop at I think.  But the convenience cannot be beat.  No lugging heavy bags of kibble or even heavier, jugs of cat litter.  In this area it is delivered by FedEx.  The man who delivers here has come to know me and knows that I am in a wheelchair.  So rather than just drop the heavy carton outside my door, he knocks and waits until I answer, then brings the box in and places it where I indicate.  That is service!
But back to cat toys.  Chewy does use very sturdy cartons.  One of their cartons had a line on the side that said "Oh boy-a box!"   I have always just emptied the cartons and given them away.  There is always someone needing one for storage or to move as we have a large tunr-over here.
Today I had the empty carton standing on it's side in the living room.
It did actually resemble a tiny cabin, though I took no notice of it until
Susie came to investigate.  Susie stretched out long, sniffed the interior and slowly crept inside.  Then she flew out.  Back to the bedroom and back into the livingroom and in and out of the box--many times. Oh Boy-a box!  That fat puss got some exercise tonight.  A wonderful toy and it did not cost me a penny. 


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