Covid19 ice cream social

For a large part of the Covid 19 attack on the humans, and a few reported animals, the county of Bedford, Va. kept the numbers low.
I guess we should have expected we would not escape entirely.  With August, the numbers began to jump.  I check with the Va. dept. of health posting every day.  This past week we went from 418 documented cases to 485, with 1 more hospitalized.  There have been 8 deaths in this county.  Viewing the countrywide numbers this may not seem to be many.  But it is the sudden increase that is alarming for 184 of those cases have occurred in the 3 weeks of August.
Everyone is bored.  Churches are opening and in some the participants are not wearing masks and certainly not observing the 6 foot social distance.  People are going to the beach.  Having parties.  Understandable, but responsible?  
Here at Joseph's Dream most people are being careful.  We also have a new manager.  The Support Services Coordinator says she has received many complaints about him.  Of course bored , disgruntled people of any age will always find something to  sputter
So to her credit, Nina (the SSC) , in an effort to provide some fun and lighten the mood, has joined with an outside group to
sponsor an ice cream social set for this coming Tuesday. There will also be entertainment.  We were advised to wear masks.
This I gotta see--folks eating ice cream with a mask on.  Or perhaps 
holding a dripping cone while their Chihuahua stands beneath happily licking the melting drops from his face.  (I drew a cartoon of how I picture this.)  At first we all thought Nina meant to reopen the community room for this event.  Many of us declined to attend.
Just too soon for a group encounter , especially with folks from
outside the community attending. 
Now they have proposed having it outdoors.  Which is a better idea.
However, I still do not plan to be in that happy gathering.  Many will mind the social distance -if not wear a mask.  There are quite a few who will be so happy to "be free" that there will be hugs.  There are some, who even now, just don't get it and I feel so mean when they approach me and I have to put up my hands and back up as fast as I can in the wheelchair.  They look both confused and hurt.  So knowing they will be in attendance, and not wanting to cause hurt feelings, to be mindful of the times and conditions, I will stay in my apartment.  
I can have ice cream any time.  Though I realize it is not so much the "ice cream"  as the "social" that is the whole idea.
And that is also----the whole problem.


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