Careful what you wish for

A few days ago I heard many ladies complaining about having to lug water in gallon jugs to the flowers, wishing, so wishing for rain.  It has been so hot, in the 90's every day in July, that sun scorching.  I stayed out for 45 minutes two days ago.  Had intended to just make a quick trip to the dumpster and mailbox but got caught by a neighbor and the  visit lasted until I told her I thought my arms were becoming crispy.  She was in the shade of a very small tree.  I , on my scooter and minding social distance, was in full sun.  One thing you can be certain of these days is that if you happen to be out of your apartment at the same time as a neighbor, you better not have left something on the stove.  People are suffering from COVID 19 isolation.  Anyway I was caught without my mask so I had to stay the six foot distance---in full sun.  I honestly felt as though I might have a touch of sunstroke when I came inside--dizzy, a bit nauseous and COLD!  I drank a lot of water and felt much better soon.  
From that experience I realized why my plants ,which are in full sun most of the day, look wilted by noon even though I had been watering them morning and evening.  That sun is powerful despite the high humidity.
Something somewhere must have heard all those grumblings rising through the steam to the cloudless blue overhead and has
taken pity on the plant loving population.  Rain has arrived.
LOTS of rain.  It came in gentle ground soaking showers.  It came in torrential downpours heralded by  bolts of dazzling electricity and mighty claps of thunder.  It ran through the parking lot like a swollen creek, disappearing down the storm drains, filling the run-off area behind the community.  It has rained enough--more than enough, so once again--complaints rise to the atmosphere--"please no more rain".  Somewhere
the something must be thinking "Humans-ya just can't please them". 
Now the once wilted flowers are lying pressed against the mulch.  Many of the flowers were actually  removed from their 
stems and lie on the walkways, torn from their mother ships by the force of those innocent appearing raindrops.  Yet when the sun returns we know the plants will once again stand tall (not too tall-this is Joseph's Dream ) , new flowers will burst forth.
Tonight it is overcast with a few showers lingering yet.
There are those who are just thrilled with the large pond in the overflow area, the water dripping from the trees. They are very
small.  Their voices are very lARGE.  The frogs are singing.


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