Mysterious boxes

Tis the season of mysterious boxes. 
Boxes of varying shapes and sizes arrive with the mail carrier, the UPS truck and the bright
Fed Ex van.   The brisk sharp rap on my apartment door sends Susie flying beneath the recliner.
Hannah rises from her nap and appears from the depth of her crate to inspect the box as it is hauled through the door.  Hannah recognizes the boxes which come from Chewy.  Almost as if she could read the lettering on the side which declares "Oh Boy- a box".  I suspect; however, she may
actually be detecting the scent of delicious items contained within.  She is, after all, a bird dog,
with a nose always pointed into the wind to capture the distant essence of BIRD.  But in that box she detects a carton of Milk Bones and YES- some of those yummy Pork Chomps.
Susie, after recovering from her initial fright of stranger bearing a large scary object, crawls forth from her hiding place to observe this thing being emptied is actually---Oh Boy-a box--and a big one at that.  With some rattly wrapping paper inside.  Oh joy.
Boxes appear from the depths of the hall closet.  When the fastening tape is stripped off, there is exposed strings of lights, tree danglers of shiny colors., plump stuffed Santas-most showing their years of service and love by the fading red suits, lop-sided beards and worn spots on the black felt
boots.  There is a small creche and an angel, all lace and glitter, for the top of the miniature tree which sits on the end table.  Lifted gently from the box marked FRAGILE is a snow globe  Inside
reposes a little house with lights in the windows, surrounded by snow-laden spruce trees, while a wee couple strolls hand in hand across the wintry field as the music box plays Winter Wonderland to softly falling sparkling snowflakes.  Can you tell this is one of my treasures?  
The boxes hold cherished items which only appear once a year for such a brief moment.
Other boxes are wrapped in colorful paper and placed around the little tree.  Their unknown contents to remain  a mystery until December 25th.
A few years back, the post offices were not comfortable with boxes and parcels of unknown and
quite possibly frightening content.  A few were known to have popped open spewing a mysterious powder into the air.  A box ought to be an exciting thing to receive.  Some deranged person(s)
took note of that, discharging their pent up hate through something meant to be beautiful.
During that time I received a box.  It arrived in my local, very small, post office.  Normally my
carrier would have driven right up to my back door and handed it over.  This time the post master called me.  He said a box had arrived addressed to me oozing a strange, red, semi-thick
fluid.  No one in that post office of four employees dared handle it.  They suspected the fluid was blood.  I drove over to the post office where I was escorted into the sorting area.  There, by itself,
on a wooden bench, reposed the mysterious box.  Just as the post master had described, it was 
leaking the suspicious fluid.  Noting the return address was my sister, I saw no reason to be afraid to open it, though I could hardly imagine what the content would be.  Everyone stood a bit back as I sliced open the damp box and there--carefully wrapped in foil, sat two large raspberry pies!  My sister had a large raspberry plot.  Knowing my love of raspberry pie, she had made,  frozen, these two lovely pies, and shipped them.  It must have been warm somewhere along the way for the pies had thawed.  The thick, sweet, red juice had gradually found its way to seep through the seams of the box. I took those pies home and baked them immediately.  After they cooled, I took one back to the postal employees.  With embarrassed faces they enjoyed their treat.  The mysterious box.


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