
Just a note for those concerned.  I set up Ginger's little insulated house with the heating pad in the base on my porch under a chair.  I am not attempting to conceal it.  I told Kathryn that was my plan until she did whatever she felt she must do about Ginger.  It was 24 degrees overnight.  Such a sudden change for the animals when it was 90
only 2 weeks ago!  Ginger recognized the house (which has been stored in my SUV all summer) and went right in last evening.  This morning when I went out with Hannah Ginger came  crawling from her cozy bed.
Kathryn told my neighbor's daughter that she doesn't plan to do anything more about Ginger now.  She said that Joseph is having cameras installed thoughout the facility and then things would be caught.  She doesn't need to "catch" me-on film or otherwise, since I sent her an e/m telling her my plans for Ginger for the winter,.
I am sure there are many more important concerns that the cameras may bring to the forefront.  
In the interim, Ginger is a happy, free, mouse catching, well fed cat with a warm place to sleep on a cold night.


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