State of the Union

I never intended to show or speak about my political leanings on this blog.  I am actually registered as Independent.  My family would no doubt say that applies to more than my political standing.
I don't follow party lines when I vote.  I learn as much as I can about the candidates and vote for the individual.  Since I am pretty much home-bound, I vote by mail.    Like so many, I wonder if my vote even counts, yet I vote anyway--just in case.

Yes I watched the SOTU last night.  All during the President's talk, Madam Pelosi made faces, smirked, shook her head, and then of course tore up her copy of the speech in front of the world.  To me she was behaving exactly as Robert (our Millenial age maintenance man) does when Kathryn (our Manager)  is speaking ---and Pelosi is far too old to use Millenialism as her excuse! 
Between the disgusting performance at the Super Bowl half time and such disrespectful
behavior  of government head figures, -I am sorry Pres. Trump, but even all your very excellent plans for making the US great and respected among nations can't come to pass if this is what we are teaching the next generation. 
Other than putting the spotlight on herself, I wonder what Pelosi thinks she accomplished?
Perhaps, and quite likely, the spotlight is what she was aiming for.  If so, apparently she succeeded.

The speech was well written and orchestrated.  He delivered it well.  Lots of sentiment
and "rally round the flag boys" stuff.  Did sound much like a campaign speech at times.
However, he did spell out his accomplishments  which the public often does not see or forgets about for all the Twitter, impeachment and other nonsense we are bombarded with daily.

The medal for Rusch Limbaugh--presented by the First lady  no less, was a brilliant touch,
though also giving the "antis" something to hold up as "unthinkable".

Oh well--so much for my thoughts.


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