A Surprise for Edgar

The box arrived yesterday.  It contained a "shock" training collar.

After talking with my son who adopted a Boxer with some defensive behaviors with other dogs and my daughter whose husband, Jeff, has a Poodle/Terrier mix who killed 2 of her ducks and several of her hens, I have decided that hopefully this is the way to cure Edgar of his reaction to dogs and cats.  Sean's Boxer now actually plays nicely even with small dogs while Jeff's Poodle mix still watches the poultry, but will no longer go after them.

I was surprised to find no instructions in the package.  You are directed to go on line and download the 9 page manual.  Apparently this is the way with all things one buys now.  My computer had issues with doing this (or maybe it is me) and I only got the first page.  Had to download a special App in order to even get that one page.  Then my Internet connection went out.  

Today I contacted the very excellent Engish speaking tech at Shentel.  He said my system is old --a 2012! ! I told him that was not old to me and he said to technology, it is.  Anyway he was able to get me up and going again.  I will not try to download anything more.

So Edgar's surprise is on hold until I talk with those in my family who have used this collar.  I want to be certain I do it correctly.  Very much hoping I will only have to correct Edgar once, or possibly twice, to solve our problem.

I just love this little guy.  He follows me around and keeps tabs on me all the time.  He has learned hand signals for Come, Go out, All Gone, Look, Get back, and Catch.  He does not pull on his leash.  Today we celebrated our 2 months together so I think he is doing very well.  There is no such thing as a perfect dog, but if the new collar solves his issues with cats and dogs, he will be very close.



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