The Easter Snow Bunny

One year when I was living on my little farm in upstate New York with my two youngest children, Easter came at an earlier date than usual.  March had come "in like a lamb" and was
"going out like a lion".  The first week in the month had brought a promise of Spring right around the corner, with balmy breezes and wee fuzzy pusses beginning to appear on the willow tips.  Snow had melted leaving fields beginning to show life, Robins hopping and listening for earthworms beginning to wriggle about in the damp soil beneath the new green shoots.
This morning, just a few days before Easter Sunday, we three awoke to a leaden sky.  Outside the air carried the scent of snow
and had a distinct bite as it whispered past our noses and ears.
By noontime the slowly falling flakes had picked up speed and were fast piling up to cover all signs of Spring.  The Robins had
disappeared into the forest for shelter.  
We had had enough of winter.  Brian and Margie had been excitedly anticipating an Easter egg hunt  on Easter morning.
Two children who had happily greeted snow and spent hours
outdoors coasting and building snow forts were glumly staring out the window  "Well it looks like you can build a snowman",
I commented, for by midafternoon there was snow aplenty and it was just wet enough to make very good snow balls.
The two dressed in their winter wear and headed out to the front lawn.  They each began rolling a ball.  I joined them and began rolling a third ball.  We made very large balls!  It took all of us to hoist the second ball atop the first.  Lastly the top smaller ball for the head.
Looking at the unadorned snow man, Margie had a bright idea.
An Easter bunny!  Arms were then rolled and shaped and attached to the body A big basket was fixed  to the arm.  Now we needed to fill the basket with Easter eggs, so we rolled smaller balls, egg-shaped.  I went to the kitchen cabinet and brought out food colors.  We dyed the snow eggs, placing them carefully in the basket. Two days later when we rose to a bright, sunny morning, ground still blanketed with snow, it may not have looked much like the anticipated Easter morning, but for sure, the Easter bunny had come.


  1. What a creative and fun mom you were with your kids! And I don't think that has changed much!

  2. Your children must have had a wonderful time with you!


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