May Day

April 29, 2019

This morning at coffee I produced the enclosed announcement sheets which I will be delivering door to door this afternoon.  I think this is the best way to try to get the hummingbird feeders restored. 
People here are so afraid of being written up or reprimanded that they may not follow through.  I don't know how to better encourage them to stick together.  I can count on the usual few to be out there
Wednesday morning putting out at least one feeder--some have said they might put two.  We really need
to see the feeders blossoming in front of every building to be effective. 
So as I hand these flyers out, I will attempt to make contact with at least one resident in each building
and coax them to hang a feeder. 

Management is playing it's own games.  About a year ago they had installed surveillance cameras in the office, maintenance room and community room.  What they do in the offices is fine, but almost everyone was flabbergasted when they became aware of the camera observing the book club meeting, Bible study group etc.  Some playfully made faces at the camera, but many just boycotted any event being held in the
community room.  Several of us wrote saying this was not only an invasion of privacy (what did they think--that a group of old ladies was planning to overthrow the government?) and also quite likely - illegal.  In a fairly short time, the cameras were all removed.
This morning as we entered the community room we heard a chime.  Someone noticed a small white box over the door.  Yup- source of the chime.  Granted, they did not install an obnoxious buzzer, it is a pretty
WEstminster chime.  The manager came in to explain that she needed the chime so she could tell when anyone comes in to the community room.  The office is through a small hall and the door is always open.
Not sure WHY she needs to know when someone enters.  Isn't it, after all, a COMMUNITY room?
I have the sense we need not complain about this.  I think our Manager will have had enough of it shortly as it interupts her work so frequently.
SO- off to deliver flyers  for the "tiny fliers".

Flyer content:
                                                                  May Day
                                           WEdnesday , May 1st is May Day
                                           All residents who have had Hummingbird
                                           feeders in the past and all who would like to
                                           feed these tiny birds this year, please join the
                                          May Day effort and hang out your feeder on
                                          May 1st.  If we all do this at the same time,
                                          we will get our message across.
          Anyone wishing to support the effort who does not have a feeder, please post the
          notice on your door. "'I SUPPORT HUMMINGBIRD FEEDING "


  1. Good Morning Cynthia, I am so very upset to hear all that you have to say here. I almost can't ingest the level of heartlessness and authoritarian behavior that is being displayed here by your management. I have followed this from the beginning and do know about the request from Jon to send letters to the main office but is there anything else we as your extended support team can do to help? I just really can't believe the extent to which this has gone. So happy to hear though that hummingbird feeders and going back up. Bless all the little hummers who will be so happy to show up. And Bless you and all your neighbors as you wade through this situation.

    1. I drummed up a lot of support this afternoon. Went around to each unit on my scooter with my flyers and talked to all who would listen. Many agreed to either put up a feeder or put a sign on their door supporting them. We may all get written up, but I doubt it if there are so many SO I hope some do not back out.
      Thank you for your encouragement. I will let you know if there is more we could use from outside.


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